Registration Fee
The registration fee for doing the elective studies will be as mentioned below:
- Students coming from any country other than those of the SAARC region will need to make payment of US$ 200.00 (US$ Two Hundred) or equivalent in Nepalese currency for a period of two weeks and additional fee per week $50.oo
- Students studying in SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) countries will need to make payment of US$100.00 (Hundred dollar) or equivalent in Nepalese currency for a period of two weeks and additional fee per week $25.oo
- All payments must be made in the name of National Centre for Health Professions Education in person. Draft, TC and by post. are not accepted.
For the details fee structure which are given bellow:
Elective Registration Fee for the Undergraduate, Graduates & PG
- 2 weeks US$ 200.00
- 4 weeks US$ 300.00
- Additional fee per week US$ 50.00
- SAARC Country- 50% Discount in above mentioned elective fee