Medical Education Department 

National Centre for Health Professions Education (NCHPE) is an independent national organization committed to improve the health of the country through ensuring quality health professions education by educating teachers in Nepal. Although it was officially upgraded to this form in 2009 (2066 BS), it has its long history of continued and consistent efforts to support its activities.

An ‘Education Support Unit was established in Institute of Medicine (IOM)in 1986to impart teacher’s training to its faculty members in innovations in medical education. It waslater renamed as Education Support Center and it was realized that itshould form an integral and permanent part of the Institute of Medicine with functional autonomy. It was proposed that the center should mainly work in areas of:

  1. curricula design, implementation, evaluation and revision.
  2. enhancing teacher’s competency and performance.
  3. conducting Continue Medical Education(CME) for all health personnel.
  4. conducting educational research.
  5. providing consultancy related to quality education and service.

With subsequent development, the Education Support Center was developed into the Medical Education Department (MED) in 1990 and it was moved to the MoHeGo Building.

In order to address growing concern for quality in terms of the relevance of health professions education to the health care needs of people of Nepal, a need was felt to develop a “National Center for Health Professions Education (NCHPE)” in this country. The national consultative meeting held with the support of WHO in 2009 approved for upgrading the existing Medical Education Department into “National Center for Health Professions Education (NCHPE)”.

The center has now its own full-time  administrative and 3 academic staffs with postgraduate degree in medical education and 20 other resource faculties.

The centre is equipped with seminar hall, library room, staff rooms, computer rooms and administrative rooms on the first floor of MoHeGo Building. Ithas been carrying out regular Teacher Training Workshops, Curriculum development and Continuing education for the health professions teachers from both IOM and other health manpower development institutions ofNepal. The center is also coordinating the activities of ‘Skills lab’ in Maharajgunj Medical Campus and recently in 2011, The Health Learning Material Center has been merged into NCHPE. Further, it has been promoting international cooperation in medical education through coordinating and systematizing the Elective Programme for Foreign Medical Students at the IOM.

  • Faculty Development Training (FDT)




    Kindly inform you that the “Faculty Development Training” will be held from  18th – 23th Poush, 2078 (02nd to 07th January, 2022)


    Kindly inform you that the “Faculty Development Training” (12th – 17th Mansir, 2078) has been postponed due to technical circumstance till next notice publish.


Elective Programme

Download Application Form

NCHPE Objectives

  • Train teachers of health professions in educational methods;
  • Promote and institutionalize development of rational academic programmes in undergraduate and postgraduate levels of heatlh science;
  • Initiate and maintain continuing education for health professions;
  • Promote the planning, implementation and evaluation of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in health care and health professions education sectors;
  • Conduct research in health professions education and practice;
  • Coordinate medical education with national health care services;
  • Provide forum for communication and focus of ideas for all those concerned with development of human resources for health (HRH);
  • Develop regional and international linkages with other institutions/centres/universities belonging to health professions education

Contact Us

National Centre for Health Profession Education, TU Institute Of Medicine (IOM)

P.O. Box 2533,
Maharajgunj, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: 977-1-4410792 / 4516734 / 4516025
Fax: 977-1-4415475
Viber Number: 977-9818508453